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Temperament Therapy

Branch in a Glass Jar

Temperament pinpoints our perceptions of ourselves and the people who love us. It is also the determining factor in how well we handle stresses and pressures of today.

What is it?

Temperament is the inborn God-given part of a man that determines how he reacts to people, places and things. Temperament plus character equals personality.

The Arno Profile System ( A.P.S.) developed by Dr. Richard and Phyllis Arno of Sarasota Academy of Christian Counseling identifies five different Temperaments and their blends as it checks for various weaknesses and strengths in the areas of social orientation, power and dominance, and deep relationships. 

Through Temperament Therapy an individual learns to embrace their God-given temperament while learning to drop their self-selected mask and press into their newly discovered strengths. This brings about healing and freedom to live more authentically. 

Being one's true self ultimately frees them to be able to love, value, accept, and forgive others, their self, and even God on a deeper level.

I felt that the findings of the APS profile questionnaire were surprisingly accurate and reflective of my underlying natural temperament."   - a counselee
"It (APS results) helped me to be more confident in myself being the way that I am, like it's ok also to be the kind of person that I am, sort of thing. In a more specific sense, the comments you made about how I can be more proactive in expressing my thoughts and emotions to others was really helpful advice -right then especially- but I've kept that in mind, and I've made a point to try and do a bit more since we talked. Overall (learning about my temperament) was super helpful." - a counselee
"I learned that my child is motivated mostly by reward and not the fear of punishment. It has changed how I parent."
- a counselee
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